Martin Nebelong

Martin has worked as an artist for close to 20 years. He helped pioneer VR sculpting and drawing and has worked for Oculus, Facebook, Masterpiece VR, Yahoo, Rovio and the UN. Today he does all his work in Dreams on a Playstation.

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Dev chez Headbang Club, Togi a pu travailler sur de nombreux portages avec des problématiques variées allant du shoot’em up musical en pixel art jusqu’au platformer 3D. Entre deux portage, Togi triture des pixels en faisant de la programmation rendu.

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Camille C.

« Je fais des jeux en indépendant depuis très (trop) longtemps et je participe à ceux des autres en ajoutant du mouvement où je peux. »

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Amélie Guinet

Amélie travaille dans le jeu vidéo indépendant depuis presque 7 ans. En parallèle, elle a aussi illustré des jeux de société. Elle est maintenant associée salariée de La Poule Noire.

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Saïda Mirzoeva

15 years ago, Saïda started her career as an artist, drawing monsters and designing interfaces, but the call of Excel sheets was too strong. She shifted to producing 7 years ago and never looked back.

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Ali Cedroni

Ali Cedroni is a Sound Designer, Casting Director, Dialogue Editor, and workaholic currently working at NokNok Audio, Triband, and Unlock Audio. Don’t ask her how she has time for all of that and this talk… the short answer is she doesn’t.

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Florentin Peters

Diplômé de Master en Conception de Dispositifs Ludiques à l’Université de Lorraine, Florentin a étudié l’expression de l’éthique du care dans le jeu vidéo et réalisé un mémoire de recherche sur le sujet.

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Oda Tilset

Oda Tilset is a Sound Designer and Composer, makes sure NokNok Audio is running as smoothly as possible day-to-day and tries her best to balance that with teaching, freelancing and not working. How she manages to make all this work is a mystery.

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Marion Not

AAA Gameplay Programmer gone indie. Now technical lead at newly founded studio Midnight Circus Games, making comedy games on Unreal Engine.

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Grégoire Jandot

Grhyll has been working as a programmer for more than 10 years at the Game Bakers, but also for 5 years on Onde during his free time, mainly as a sound designer.

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